Maintenance Menu

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Maintenance Menu

Maint Menu



Definition of maintenance

The act of maintaining : the state of being maintained


Introduction to Maintenance


Product Browser :::






Price Groups ::: (The roll of price groups allows you to group same products together allowing easier maintenance example a single price change can apply to multiple other products within the same Price Group)



nPrice Groupsn



Suppliers :::



nSupplier Mainnt



Flip Charts - (Pos buttons and or images) :::



nFilp Maintn



Department / Sub Departments :::



ndept subn



Shelf Locations :::






Operator Groups :::



nOp Groupn



Operators / Managers :::






Modifiers - when selling for example coffee these will appear on the POS as options to include with the coffee purchased :::






Sales Journals - gives you the ability to search and reprint receipts :::



nnew Sales Journanl